Ha. I really got a kick out of my title for this post. As I typed it, I thought that after my last blog, you all were sure to think I was at it again about love and relationships. Humor me. I assure you, this blog is about a different kind of love. Not the kind of love that leaves you with butterflies and the warm fuzzies, but the kind of love that leaves us serving others, caring for others, and meeting the needs of others. Unselfishly.
I've said it over and over again that what I love most about my job is that I get to use the Bible as a textbook. It is the ultimate History book. We get to open the Bible everyday and learn from it's complete goodness, which was created specifically for our lives. How cool is that? One of my favorite stories in the Bible is the story of Joseph. We have a lot to learn from him. What an example of faith, trust, forgivness, patience, and love Joseph is. My kids have LOVED it. "Keep reading!" "Can we read the next chapter today?" "Miss Hurt, this reminds me of Joseph!" Not even kidding, it's awesome.
After he saw his brothers again for the first time in years...we are finally to the part where Joseph is reunited with his father, Jacob. Talk about a family reunion. Joseph wrapped his arms around his father's neck and wept. And wept. And wept. He was filled with SO much love for his father and his brothers (the brothers who sold him into slavery and lied about his existance) that he gave them the best land and a plentiful amount of food for themselves and others. Now considering what all Joseph had been through in his lifetime, loving "unselfishly" could have been his last motive. But, when our hearts are so in love with Jesus, it's our only motive.
I'm really sad for you that you were not here for our talk yesterday about how we can love people who are less fortunate than us or handicapped. I'll do my best to share with you from the hearts and mouths of my third graders. I was just really blessed by them. What's new? The Lord never fails to teach me so much through these kids.
Here are some of their responses when asked how they can show love like Jesus:
"I can take a homeless person some food...like canned tomatoes."
"I can give someone money to buy an apartment."
"I'm going to save all of my toys until they become antique. Then I'll sell them for a lot of money, and give that money to people who need it."
"I can help someone who is handicapped with their groceries in the parking lot."
"I can write a card telling someone how much Jesus loves them."
"I can invite the homeless to church. My church doesn't charge to get in."
"I can go hang out with the elderly in the nursing home."
"I can help people cross the street by stopping the traffic."
"I can go through all of my toys and give the ones I don't play with to kids who don't have any."
I'd say they get it. As they were sharing, I couldn't help but think of what ways I show love to people in need. Unselfishly. When was the last time I blessed a homeless person on the street corner with some food or coffee or loose change right by my window. When was the last time I helped someone put groceries in their car. When was the last time I invited someone to church with me...we don't charge visitors either. :) When was the last time I gave my "goods" that I don't need anymore to someone who could use them. When was the last time I just simply told someone how loved they are by Christ. Think with me.
My charge to you (and myself) is to get out, and love more. Unselfishly. The world would be such a brigter place. I have a hard time believing we could go judge, condem, or be hateful after being the hands and voice of Jesus. Give back to God what is God...which is love. Give yourself without reservation. Jesus says in Mark chapter 12 to "love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strenth...and to love your neighbor as yourself." There are no greater commandments than those right there. So, in the words of the legendary Beatles themselves, "All you need is love." Let's do this. Let's share the gospel with our lives and our words.
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